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The art of Warcraft. - not Sun Tzu
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Un'Goro Crater - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Cataclysm
When the Cataclysm struck Azeroth, it disrupted the cloaking mechanism that kept a similar building as the Shaper's Terrace hidden.
The titans did not foresee the scenario that a member of an intelligent races discovered them there. So, they are required to perform some new tests. Marshal's Refuge … Western Plaguelands - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Cataclysm
The plague covering the region was mostly dispelled during the Cataclysm, thanks to the efforts of the Cenarion Circle. Although life started to emerge once again, war still raged places as Andorhal and Gahrron's Withering. After the Battle for Andorhal between the Alliance forces, commanded by the… Desolace - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Cataclysm
Desolace, originally known as Mashan'she, is a large, arid region on the western coast of Kalimdor, nestled between the Stonetalon Mountains in the north and the jungles of Feralas in the south. The homeland of the barbarous Centaur, Desolace was once nothing but a massive grey desert, filled with …