About Jessiehealz
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World of Warcraft guides & showcases all shapes and sizes!! xXx
Guides for Mounts, Transformations, Transmogrification, Gear Sets, Bosses, Pets, Locations, Gold, Professions, Achievements, Titles and much much more.
If any famous wow youtubers like soda, baj, hansol or swifty find them selves here and want to do a box for box message me and that would be cool ツ
Donaters Hall of Fame! Thank you donators, subs & viewers it means a lot. ↖(^▽^)↗
1) £100.00 - Bob
2) £40.00 - Gaute
3) £40.00 - Bobzgfx
4) £23.00 - Malthred
5) £10.00 - Antonio