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About Azrai
I am Az, and this is my channel about immersive and collaborative adventures. Theme parks, re-enactments, faires, digital adventures, cosplay, travel, art and multiverse exploration.
Recent Videos from Azrai
Because Robin Hood is underrated
Shirts through Bonfire, everything else through Society6, both found through here:
I made these to help reach some transition goals, so an extra big thank you if you’re interested in them 💚 I have made an important discovery via @Calimacil LARP
I will be wearing armor at every opportunity now and for all time.
Armor and sword are from @Calimacil LARP
No code or $$ involved, just bartered for vibes and boy did they deliver.
If you DO want your own, my friend @UhOhBurns DOES have a link, and you can use it to help them while you get your … definitely just a chill Q&A
If you'd like to help with the rest of my shapeshifting, first of all thank you, and secondly you can do that here:
Preemptive apology to anyone who has feelings like I did about the last ten minutes of this video. And also to everyone else because when I don't write out…