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The roadmap features the best online web development and programming lectures for all sorts of computer science knowledge and for the latest web technologies including System Design, Databases, FullStack Development, and much more.
Recent Videos from the roadmap
Hash Table Data Structure | Illustrated Data Structures
Hash Table, Map, HashMap, Dictionary or Associative are all the names of the same data structure. It is one of the most commonly used data structures. In this video we will cover everything you need to know about the hash tables. After watching this video, you will be able to answer the following q… Queue Data Structure | Illustrated Data Structures
Queue is a linear collection of items where items are inserted and removed in a particular order. Queue is also called a FIFO Data Structure because it follows the "First In First Out" principle i.e. the item that is inserted in the first is the one that is taken out first. In this video, we look a… Stack Data Structure | Illustrated Data Structures
Stack is a linear collection of items where items are inserted and removed in a particular order. Stack is also called a LIFO Data Structure because it follows the "Last In First Out" principle i.e. the item that is inserted in the last is the one that is taken out first. In this video, we look at …