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About The Masked Arab
An informative, critical and often light hearted view of the world's major religions by an atheist ex-Muslim Arab who just wants to make the world a better place for future generations!
Recent Videos from The Masked Arab
Scientific miracles in the Quran - الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن
This is a mirror of Hassan Radwan’s video which can be found on his channel here:
Hassan's channel:
Hassan Radwan other links:
Twitter -
Facebook -… The Meaning of Life - an atheist perspective
What is the meaning of life without religion... without an afterlife?
What purpose do our lives serve if it all ends with death?
This video is effectively a mirror by the incredible ex-Muslim atheist Harris Sultan.
Harris produces videos in both English and Urdu and has a lot more great content c… ISIS has nothing to do with Islam!
We all know ISIS have nothing to do with Islam...
We join an Islamic apologetic class instructing students to go out and preach to the infidels online that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.
Huge thanks to the one and only Sye Ten Atheist who animated this video in such a glorious way. If you hav…