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About Lukas Eriksen
I make videos about filmmaking every week. That's about it.
Recent Videos from Lukas Eriksen
Today I check out some really cheap prism filters that I found on Aliexpress - but can they be any good?
If you want to buy the exact same filters I bought, here are the links:
Starburst Filter:
Prism Filter: … SUPERCHARGE your SOUND DESIGN - The ULTIMATE guide to sound design!
Get 30 days free at Epidemic Sound with this link to take your sound design to the next level!
Today I wanted to share a couple of tips that you can implement in your sound design process. A big thank you goes out to epidemic sound for sponsoring this v… Budget CINEMATIC Lighting Setup! | Professional $250 Lighting Kit
It's been a while! I have been struggling with motivation to create for this channel, but hopefully, I'll be able to start uploading weekly again (: Stay tuned!
Today I wanted to cover a great budget lighting setup for cinematic video. Costing around $250, this rig is sure to bring your videos to …