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About gavinwince
Existics 101 - An Introduction
Existics is a formalization designed around observation, logic and mathematics dealing with the ultimate questions about existence. Existics is the study of the laws that govern existence.
Recent Videos from gavinwince
The Perfect Cosmological Principle | Return of the Steady State Universe
According to modern cosmology, the Steady State model of the universe, an alternative to the Big Bang theory, is now obsolete. Yet, modern cosmology faces devastating blows to Big Bang cosmology. "Dark matter" weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) have not been detected. Super-symmetry parti… Killer Critics from Cyberspace... and Beyond the Infinite!
In early 2012, I posted on, what has become, a controversial document. C3: the Canonized Cardinal Continuum. It’s a modified version of an essay I wrote as an undergraduate, while studying logic and the development of the calculus, as part of a special projects course I took while g… The Evolution of Time (Director's Cut)
The Evolution of Time and the Carnot Cycle at the Edge of the Universe
By Gavin Wince
We are all time travelers... drifting through time at a steady pace, one moment at a time. In what direction are we moving through time? Or does time move through us? How many dimensions of time are there? Thou…