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Beauty vs Purpose - Sailing Highbourne Cay (Take the Waters) S3:E2
The ocean water in The Bahamas is gorgeous, the remote islands are tropical, and we've been enjoying every minute of being here in paradise. Though even when surrounded by all this beauty and perfection, we still find ourselves pondering of what our purpose in life can become. Come join us as we po… Battling Boat System Failures: A Voyage In Jeopardy (Take The Waters) S3:E1
This is it - the time is finally here! We are about to, yet again, make an attempt to cross over and cruise The Bahamas. But wait! What is sailing without a complete freak out over failing boat systems - and how is it that it seems to happen all at once?! Catch up with us on this seasons premiere a… Sailing South - Chesapeake Bay to Florida (Take the Waters) S2:E8
With our season in the Chesapeake Bay now over, we begin our journey south down the coast from Maryland to Florida. We make our first ever passage around Cape Hatteras and visit some new coastal towns and pristine national parks along the way. Once in Florida, our next stop... sailing to The Bahama…