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Indulging in all the simple pleasures of vacation as I traveling to Delray Beach Florida for a beach trip in this "week in my life" vlog - and first vacation vlog of 2022! I'm sharing my take on a healthy productive morning routine, my workout routine, a bit of a swimsuit haul, morning coffee, hot … I quit my job & found FULFILLMENT // 4 Careers at 30 - Interior Design, Software Developer, Youtube
At 30 years old, I've had 4 careers. This is how I became a software developer with no experience, how i became an interior designer with no experience, and how i started on youtube. I quit "my dream job" as an actor and have been so much happier since. If you have ever wondered "Should i quit my j… IKEA SHOPPING GUIDE // Tips for decorating on a budget, What to buy at IKEA hacks + tips
After working as a designer for a residential interior design firm, and now working for my own interior business, I'm sharing my tips for decorating your home while also dealing with very real budgets. The one thing that working with clients has taught me: EVERYONE has a budget. There will always b…