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Recent Videos from Tori Vasquez
how we got through our breakup (w/ eric beckerman)
Eric and I have cordially parted ways, but for the sake of entertainment decided to look back at the songs that got us through our breakup. More importantly, Happy New Years and a kiss on the forehead to everyone who decided to click on this video despite my constant disappearances. I love you dear… Putting Our Relationship To The Test W/ Eric Beckerman (Rice Purity Test, 5 Love Languages)
Eric and I test our relationship and see whether or not we're really compatible, and if we're not...well we could break up? Can these two relationship tests bring us together or will the Rice Purity Test TEAR us apart?!
Go Watch Eric's Video And Tell Him His Breath Smells Nice!… Struggles of a First Gen College Student (UCLA Edition)
Hi! I struggle with depression and anxiety, and wanted to talk about how it got me in trouble while I was a first gen student at UCLA. I can't express enough how grateful I am to anyone who clicks on this video, thanks for listening to me and I hope we can all become a bit more comfortable talking …