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About Rod Machado
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Recent Videos from Rod Machado
The History of Our National Airspace System for Pilots
Ever wondered where the idea of a VFR cloud clearance came from? Curious about why Class A airspace starts at 18,000 feet MSL? Ever heard of something called the Continental Control Area and why you no longer hear about it. Perhaps this short video excerpt from my "Rod Machado's Private Pilot eLear… Rod Machado's NEW Online IFR eGround School
The breadth and depth of Rod’s Instrument Pilot Online eGround School is incredible. It provides everything you’ll need to understand critical IFR concepts at a deeper level–whether you’re a student working on your rating or an experienced instrument pilot looking to brush up or prep for an IPC. It… The "VOR Orienter"
Here's a little self-made tool that will help anyone struggling to answer FAA-type VOR questions on their knowledge exams. This tool offers the added advantage of training the student's mind to think in terms of how the VOR works. No, it's not used in the airplane. It's intended only for ground-typ…