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About Raheem D
I've made mashups shared by Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Hayley Williams and more! I also do a bit of V-Logging and other weird things. Check me out!
Recent Videos from Raheem D
Tyla, Janet Jackson - Water For You (Mashup)
Tyla and Janet Jackson collaborate in my mashup titled 'Water For You'. It features Tyla's hit single 'Water' from her debut self titled album and Janet Jackson's classic single 'All For You' from her album of the same name. I had this idea last Summer and it was supposed to be a follow up to my J… Britney and Troye are Janet Jackson's daughter and son! Yup. #Mashup #gotmestarted #britneyspears
None Britney Spears, Troye Sivan - Got Me Against The Music (Ft Madonna) (Mashup)
Britney Spears and Troye Sivan collaborate in my mashup 'Got Me Against The Music'. It features Britney Spears' hit single 'Me Against The Music' and Troye Sivan's single 'Got Me Started' from his hit album 'Something To Give Each Other'. When I saw the 'Got Me Started' video, I loved seeing Troye …