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About lilykoi hawaii
Nourish your body, feed your soul, and make better choices for yourself, no one will do it for you, and take such good care of your sweet self!
Recent Videos from lilykoi hawaii
The End of Emotional Eating -- Embracing the Wisdom & the Map to Healing
Hello my friends!
Today marks the beginning of the Emotional Eating Mini-Series (nested within the Weight Loss Series). The Steps in this series are:
1.) Embracing the Wisdom of Emotional Eating
2.) Laying the Foundation of Safety
3.) Learning Nervous System Resourcing
3.) Healing and Integration… I Ruined my Skin with Skincare + Healing Skincare (Oumere Review)
Hello all!
I want to acknowledge that the brand I mention (Oumere) is pricey, which I know means will be inaccessible to many of us. I generally do not believe in spending lots of money on high-end personal care products, but in this case I made an exception for the following reasons:
- My skin ha… Food Rules aren't Bad (but they can be) || Healthy Diet vs. Orthorexia
Hello friends!
Having “rules” (restrictions) about foods we prefer to avoid is not automatically a bad or indicative of pathological disordered eating patterns.
It 100% can be, but there are — in my experience and opinion — important distinctions.
Today, we’re diving into the three most importa…