YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like Loot (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
About Loot
We are a team of artists and passionates about art, 3D printing, miniatures and statues! Our goal is to share a lot of cool content about this universe with you. If you like all this stuff, here is your place! :)
Recent Videos from Loot
Ship Ahoy! (NEW BUNDLE) + Painting the Canon Pirate + Sculpting a new Figure Head for the ship!
🏴☠️ Sail, Ho! Ship Ahoy!
The waters have been calm but the storm has arrived bringing the fight to us. Get these landlubbers ready - as best as you can - gather your first mate and prepare for battle!
In today's Livestream Tiago will sail you through stormy seas and pirate battles. Come along, a… 5 Unusual Beginnings for D&D Swamp Campaign | Loot's DM Tips #Shorts
We decided to give you 5 unusual beginnings for your swamp adventure in under 1 minute as a quick reminder that you now have 48 HOURS OR LESS to subscribe and get The Gathering in the Festering Swamp bundle for 15$
And, don't worry if you enjoy playing more traditionally, remember: every adventure… Build Plate Leveling for Resin 3D Printers | 3D Printing Tutorials
Leveling a 3D printer has never been so easy, and you can still choose one of the 3 ways we are going to show you today!
That's right! In today's video for our 3D printing series, Julia (@juliamungo) will guide you on the many processes you can choose to level the build plate from your resin 3D pr…