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About Tama's Room
This channel is an old alt of mine. So yeah, tis an alternate account where i used to upload non-Pokemon stuff. May still occasionally (very rarely) upload random stuff here.
Recent Videos from Tama's Room
Restoring Rare 90's Italian Sailor Moon Dolls (Super Sailor Chibimoon by Giochi Preizosi!)
I hunted down these old Sailor Moon dolls and decided to clean two Super Sailor Chibimoon(s) up! This is the process. The two are extremely improved
Sources used for information in this video: - A Thousand Splendid Dolls Tutorial Playlist. Really good ba… Restoring 2001 Irwin Sailor Jupiter Doll (From Sailor Moon!)
I have these old Sailor Moon dolls and decided to clean Sailor Jupiter up! This is the process. She turned out basically as good as brand new!
Sources used for information in this video: - A Thousand Splendid Dolls Tutorial Playlist. Really good basic re… Restoring 2001 Irwin Sailor Pluto Doll (From Sailor Moon!)
I have these old Sailor Moon dolls and decided to clean Sailor Pluto up! This is the process. She turned out basically as good as brand new!
Sources used for information in this video: - A Thousand Splendid Dolls Tutorial Playlist. Really good basic reso…