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About Hurricoaster
The programs I use: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 Particle illusion 3 Photoshop CS5
Visit my Super Mario Flash level page -
Recent Videos from Hurricoaster
YTP: Rosso's Spadinner Café
This YTP is an unfinished project from 2017 that I just got around to finishing. I'm not even sure where to begin with explaining the circumstances behind the creation of this video, or why it took 3 and a half years to complete. I'm also not entirely sure why it ended up being 20 minutes long. YTP: SpiderMosh Wants Mary Joj to Let Go ...But She Won't
This is my entry to Jimmy Davis' "Peter Man 1," an incredible collaborative effort to give the entire 2002 Spider-Man film the YTP treatment. Watch the full collab here:
Special thanks to Jimmy Davis for inviting me to this collab, and my roommate, who w… YTP: Link Accidentally Ocarina (ILVG-4)
This is my entry to SerialK86's "I Love Videogames Collab 4," the fourth and final installment of the series. Watch the full collab here! --
When I was a kid, I grew up playing games on the Nintendo 64, such as StarFox 64, Donkey Kong 64, Kirby 6…