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About LoGsounds
Hello, and welcome to LoG sounds! My name is Christian, also know as LoG (Low-Gee), and this is where I post lots of guitar playing. Hope you enjoy!
Recent Videos from LoGsounds
200+ Long Form Video Tutorials:
#guitar #guitarlesson #guitartutorial #guitarimprovisation #bluesguitar #guitarimprov #guitarchords #guitarleads #chordprogression #guitarpractice #jazzguitar #fenderstratocaster #howtosolo #guitartheory LoG Pants - Turning Exercises into Musical Tools | Part 4 (Finger Independence)
200+ Exclusive Video Lessons ▶▶
Part 4 of this series will feature an exercise that heavily focuses on finger strength and finger independence. The exercise involves holding one finger down while you move another in a continuous loop, which also creates two simul… very cute guitar solo
200+ Long Form Video Tutorials:
#guitar #guitarlesson #guitartutorial #guitarimprovisation #bluesguitar #guitarimprov #guitarchords #guitarleads #chordprogression #guitarpractice #jazzguitar #fenderstratocaster #howtosolo #guitartheory