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About SauraXD
XD in my name is ironic, i am actually crying inside :( Subscribe for Daily Uploads Buisness Mail:
Recent Videos from SauraXD
Do Not Play Valorant At 2am...
...or you might find me
new channel gonna post there tomorrow -
i tweet sometimes -
some notes from the video:
I broke my mic from sniffing too much that's why it sounds so bad, i got a new one now so it should b… Valorant India Server Made Me Toxic
Welcome to the thrilling world of Valorant in India! Join us in this exciting YouTube video as we showcase some of the most unforgettable and exhilarating moments from the Indian gaming community. From jaw-dropping clutch plays to heart-racing game-winning rounds, these Valorant India moments are s… How an Indian Hacker Plays Valorant
Looking to improve your Valorant skills? Look no further than this exciting video featuring an Indian hacker playing the popular tactical shooter game! In this video, you'll get a glimpse into the mind…