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About eL3ctric
Creating informative Videos about topics you might find interesting! Mostly environmental and energy focused.
Oh i also did those compilations back then..
Recent Videos from eL3ctric
Satellite Images Timelapse of 33 Years of the 10 highest populated cities
In this instalment of "Timelapse from above" we visit the 10 highest populated cities.
Has been some time since my last "real" video, but I hope you enjoy it.
Music: Marlon Deagle - Satriales Elon Bezos - What if Bezos had the face of Elon Musk
Yes its not perfect ofcourse, but I just wanted share some of the results of my current projects :)
I've been gone for too long, but I haven't been doing nothing.
Can't wait to share what I've been thinking of with you guys! You are missing something! - Survivorship bias
This is also in relation to the statistics flying around regarding the coronavirus. Take care everybody!
Whenever you make a decision make sure you have the whole picture. This is a story about survivorship bias and examples on where you could encounter it.