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About HobbyMachining
I am an amateur hobby machinist, always learning as I go. My goal is to share knowledge as my skills progress. Videos geared towards beginners, by a beginner. Join me as I explore the world of hobby machining. The primary tools I will be using are a metal lathe and a milling machine.
Recent Videos from HobbyMachining
Machining: Using the optical center punch
The optical center punch is a really handy tool, in this video I use it for the first time to accurately place a punch mark on a block of 4140 that I had scribed in the previous video.
Dividing a rectangle.
Previous to that I had squared up the sides of… Machining Layout: Dividing and marking a part in half
Bisecting a rectangular surface to obtain a scribed line down the center. This was my first real layout task and it went pretty well. I used permanent marker instead of dykem blue layout fluid.
In the previous video I used the lathe to square up this block.… Manually squaring a block on the lathe
Using the lathe to square up a block of 4140 steel mounted in the 4 jaw chuck. I am using a HSS bit that I ground to a somewhat generic turning profile. Because of the large 3" max radius of this work piece I operated the spindle at 200-300 rpm's for various sides. I chose to use high speed ste…