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About niklasso
A dude that uploads videos on Youtube :P
Recent Videos from niklasso
World of Warships | Venezia Moments
Finally a video after 7 months, I know it is not Azur Lane but I simply got sick of that game and it gives me no enjoyment anymore, so I hope you will enjoy this little WoWs Montage.
00:00 Venezia Moments
02:05 Wait what?
02:21 Venezia Moments again...
03:33 This Des Moines
04:54 Bat… Still alive and how it will continue | World of Warships
Well I am still alive and will play & talk a little bit about the future of this channel. Well hopefully you will like what I will do
Discord: The 38 000 Ton failure | Jean Bart
Today we gonna talk about the french Battleship Jean Bart, was really fun complaining about them again and because of that had a lot of fun editing this video. Next video will be about Operation Siren.
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