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About Brita Nelson the Questioning Quilter
Brita Nelson The Questioning Quilter Quilting Tutorials and demonstrations. Specializing in Disappearing Blocks and Quilts.
Recent Videos from Brita Nelson the Questioning Quilter
Ribbons and Wreaths, My Second Annual "Christmas in July" Quilt Tutorial.
Learn how to make this beautiful Christmas in July Quilt named Ribbons and Wreaths. It is easy to make because it starts with a simple Angel block which is made of 4 Half Square Triangles.
To see lots of other quilt tutorials go to my YouTube Channel:… Lattice Diamond Tutorial. A Crazy Easy and Super Fun Quilt Made With the Diagonal Stripe Block
This fun and easy 3-D Diamond Lattice Quilt is created by a diagonal stipe block that starts with a 4 simple Half Square Triangles. You can use any size HST for this block, it really doesn't matter. For the scrap version I started with 5" charms to make the Half Square Triangles.
To get a print… Crazy Easy Disappearing Harlequin Windcatcher
This is a fun and easy disappearing Quilt that starts with a simple Harlequin Block. This can be made with any colors, but I think it looks great in the Red, White and Blue and would make a fantastic Veteran’s Quilt or QOV.
To get a printable version of this pattern, sign up for my newsletter on …