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About Sini's Sea Salt
Hello, I draw and animate stuff. This channel is specifically for my Splatoon content.
Recent Videos from Sini's Sea Salt
Splatoon Shorts but they're all Spongebob Scenes
Lately I had a lot of fun putting Splatoon characters into iconic and funny Spongebob scenes for animatics. I really tried how far I can go with this. Big Man as Patrick is usually the favorite on xitter. Which one is your favorite?
Most importantly, which one fits best as Spongebob? A Crew Like You (Splatoon x Spongebob)
#splatoon3 #inkling #animation Marie's Clarinet Solo (Splatoon x Spongebob)
Another almost animation animatic of Spongebob and Splatoon combined into a meme. Marie is playing for Big Man, instead of Squidward for Patrick