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Recent Videos from Derpath
One Piece LongBeachGriffy (When your boss tries to make you feel bad for calling out.)
800-273-8255 Talk to someone if you need to.
Thank you @RDCworld1 for the shout out.
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Stay Safe Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Shinobi Ray (Naruto vs Boruto!!)
I was experimenting with this video so things might seem off. Hopefully not too noticeable. I also have no hate towards Sakura.
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Channel- @ShinobiRay
Stay Safe Naruto Palmtreeblu (When Rock Lee dropped his weights.)
Decided to go back to adding water marks to these videos. Wasn't sure whether or not to include his beating by Lee in the gates. But I didn't include it for the sake of those fearful expressions he had in the beginning 😂. So all the hits in the beginning were towards Gaara's sand guard.
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