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About Oregon Zoo
Community-supported since 1888, the Oregon Zoo is a world leader in animal welfare and conservation, connecting more than 1.6 million visitors with the world of wildlife every year.
Recent Videos from Oregon Zoo
Rare Double Clutch Brings Zoo's Condor Egg Count To 13
The Oregon Zoo’s Jonsson Center for Wildlife Conservation welcomed several more California condor eggs last month, bringing the current total to a lucky number 13. The most recent egg was the second laid by condor No. 174 this year, a rare occurrence known as a double clutch.
“It’s very exciting,… Zoo Welcomes Rare Bontebok Calf
Keepers were thrilled when 7-year-old bontebok Winter gave birth to a new calf Feb. 2. Bonteboks were once considered among the most imperiled mammals on the planet, and each birth is considered an important step toward ensuring their long-term survival.
The calf has now grown to about 34 pounds, … Beaver Branch Managers Manage Branches
Maple and Filbert stick together!
Contrary to popular belief, beavers don't eat wood. They do, however topple large trees to get at food and building materials using nothing but their front teeth and the powerful muscles of their lower jaws.