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About Part-Time Explorer
This is a channel for all things history and adventure. We'll explore forgotten parts of the world and share interesting stories I've come across in my travels.
I'll also be adding any videos I've shot over the years that I think my audience would fancy. You'll get a mix here.
Recent Videos from Part-Time Explorer
The Lost Town of the Uncle Sam Mine - Has Nobody Been Here in a Century?
Check out my ghost town and ruins playlist here:
So very little is known about this town deep in this remote canyon. We aren't actually even certain of the name! My friend, Alan, spotted marks f… The Wreck of the Barquentine ELMINA on Long Beach Island, NJ (1884)
As night fell on January 8th, 1884, two boys spotted the barquentine ELMINA stuck on the shoal off Long Beach Island, New Jersey. The alarm was raised at the life saving stations of Long Beach, Ship Bottom, and Beach Haven and every effort was made to save the crew of the stranded vessel, but some … When the R.M.S. GERMANIC Sank at her Pier (1899)
In February, 1899, after a freakish winter storm in the North Atlantic, the White Star Line Germanic limped into New York Harbor with 1,800 tons of ice accumulated on her decks in her rigging. Within a day or two, the ship sank at her moorings. This is the story of the incident and the remarkable r…