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About yourgenome
Discover more about DNA, genes and genomes, and the implications for our health and society. yourgenome is produced by the Public Engagement team at the Wellcome Genome Campus.
Recent Videos from yourgenome
Our Animal DNA Workshop Video
None Sequencing at Speed
This 3D animation gives a simple overview of next generation DNA sequencing, known as massively parallel sequencing.
This 3D animation shows how scientists read the letters in DNA, a process called DNA sequencing. The method shown is known as Next Generation Sequencing or Massively Parallel Sequ… What does DNA do?
This animation explains what DNA does in our bodies and how it makes us the unique individuals we are.
With all the billions of people in the world it is amazing to think that we are all different. When we are born, each of us grows according to a unique set of instructions that are inside every …