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About rachelsstudiodotcom
This is my watercolor painting channel where the focus is painting painterly loose animals. I'm Rachel Parker Varner and I hope you enjoy! Come visit to see my work or... (friend me!) Instagram at rachelsstudiodotcom
Recent Videos from rachelsstudiodotcom
How to Watercolor Paint Cat Eyes +BONUS my new AMAZING trick 4 Eyes - Rembrandt's Windmill Principle
If you want to learn how to paint cats, be sure to check out my channel because I have painted a lot of my cat paintings. For today's video, I'll show you how I painted blue cat eyes, like a siamese cat or ragdoll cat would have. Bonus - Learn how I apply Rembrandt's Windmill Principle to paint b… 4 Advanced Watercolor Techniques - 4 Tricks That Have Transformed my Art
In this video I will share 4 watercolor painting tips and techniques that are my favorite new bits of painting wisdom that will forever change how I paint and I feel have really moved my painting forward. Learn a way to paint better art backgrounds, make your watercolor painting more interesting, … Whisker watercolor painting trick #shorts