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About 314299 Shooting Channel
Firearms are the focus of my channel: military surplus rifles, .22 rimfire rifles, shotguns and few handguns are featured. Actually anything that launches lead projectiles interests me!
Recent Videos from 314299 Shooting Channel
Buckshot Target
I was out to the range today cronograph testing some "00" buckshot hand loaded shells, so I decided I might as well put up a target. 20 rounds of "double ought" 12 gauge makes impressive results on target!
Note that this was conducted on a certified shooting range under properly controlled condit… Sheridan Knocabout .22 Pistol
In this video we have a look at a little known product of the Sheridan Airgun company. While Sheridan is famous for it's airguns, this product is not an airgun but a single shot .22 LR pistol. Schmidt-Rubin Rifle Bolt Disassembly
This video demonstrates how to take the Schmidt-Rubin rifle bolt apart and reassemble it. These instructions apply to Schmidt-Rubin rifle bolts such as those in the model 1896/11 Rifle, 1911 Rifle and 1911 Carbine.