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Recent Videos from Andrew Platt - YouTube Analyzed
The problem with YouTube Shorts
YouTube Shorts have been a big part of YouTube for the past few years, and it is here to stay, but lets talk about some of the problems that come along with introducing a different video player into an existing platform. What is the mysterious "YouTube Algorithm"?
There are a lot of misconceptions about the YouTube Algorithm. A lot of people know its a thing, but don't know much about how it works. Lets take a deep dive into how the algorithm recommends videos, and why some youtubers do what they do. The HARDEST Part Of Running A YouTube Channel
Running a youtube channel can be a lot of fun, but it can also take a lot of work if you want good results. I want to talk about what I would consider to be the hardest thing about running a youtube channel, as well as give some updates about things going on.