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About French Baguette Intelligence
I turn stupid arguments from my discord server into Ace Attorney videos.
Recent Videos from French Baguette Intelligence
Auschwitz, racist? PROOF!
I will not go for the “it’s just a joke” excuse because this joke is not offensive. The point of this video is to mock bigotry to make a point against it. If you believe this is “offensive” then you’re agreeing with the video’s message: Auschwitz is bad. Racism is bad. Oppression is bad. You get th… Should we train eagles to attack our children? PARENTING DEBATE
We've all had this argument at least once in our lives. How should children be raised? Should we hit them, or should we put them in concentration camps? I would argue that training an eagle to attack them would be far easier than raising a child...
DISCLAIMER: French Baguette Intelligence does not … Mister Incredible vs Darth Vader Debate
It is a controversial opinion, but Harry's arguments are not terrible. Maybe Mister Incredible could defeat Darth Vader... Maybe not. The real question is: Why is it so hard to believe that Mister Incredible could beat him while the notion that Batman could do it is acceptable?
Ever wish French Ba…