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About Tim Exile
Videos of the collaborations, jams, mashups, peroformances and other sonic exploits of Tim Exile.
Recent Videos from Tim Exile
How to get your first eco NFT for under $10
The simplest most environmentally friendly way to get started supporting artists and musicians by collecting their work.
Coinbase for Android
Coinbase for iOS
Temple Wallet
Hic Et Nunc https://bi… I jammed with a friend on Endlesss & this is what happened
Today we announced our the Endlesss iOS app for jamming live, remotely with friends. More about Endlesss
I woke up this morning and jammed remotely with Unclehomunculus, one of our early testers who was the other end of town - constantly remixing and adding layers to each other… Flow machine jam - 15th August
I used this as a bed for this vid where I talk about