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About Blackxworm
BeastModin the interwebs with the underground community. Reppin it up for the Wormnation. All about aggravating the other players, and the tryharders alike. Thanks for tunin in Wormnation, much more to come!
Recent Videos from Blackxworm
COD Vanguard : Kid Rages after NUKE in previous game.
This was the other video with poor audio quality, but it was hella funny.
I promise the audio issue has been worked out... Or has it? lawl.
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Follow me on Twitch: COD VANGUARD :: First Troll Video of 2022
Sorry about the weird audio, the el gato acted strange for the past couple days, who am I apologizing to? Enjoy noobs.
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Follow me on Twitch: Farewell Christmas levels!! Shotgun extravaganza
It's been a blast playing shipmas 24/7
unfortunately unlike politics, it's now over.
Gosh darn.
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