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RADIOHEAD: A Job That Slowly Kills You
edited by @1hund
some of the clips from 25:22 to 36:24 can be found in 'meeting people is easy' by Grant Gee. I used this footage as it is the main source of clips from that period. i didnt just copy them but implemented them into the narrative of this video due to the fact that they are the main… r3d dr3ams - carti mix
00:00 intro
00:42 tall sprite
02:47 homicide
04:16 movie time
07:36 teen x
11:00 flex up
13:11 yayo
14:55 xtc
15:36 long time / over (slow3d)
22:34 u kan get it PLAYBOI CARTI: Road To Red
“I like new sounds,” he says, sitting in a leather rolling chair with his back to the soundboard. “It’s gotta be something I never heard before.” He pauses to think, then picks the thread back up. “I just be rapping. Every day I discover something new about myself, and I just do it.”
movie by dj h…