About ReddX
Welcome to ReddX! Your source for the freshest daily reddit content anywhere on the internet.
We provide narration of interesting reddit stories from a variety of subreddits. If you like neckbeards, weeaboos, niceguys, or even just some good old memes and entitled parents then ReddX has you covered. While this channel started with r/entitledparents we found pretty quickly that our viewers are hungriest for r/neckbeardstories, r/justneckbeardthings, r/weeabootales, r/niceguys, and more! We know our niche and are happy to deliver stories as they are updated whenever possible.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, questions, or comments then feel free to holler at me in the comments section. I am always on the lookout for something new and exciting. If you're looking for narration that isn't completely monotone and perspective that probably goes a bit too in-depth then hang out with ReddX for a while and let's explore all of the different subreddits together!