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About Kristo Immanuel
WELCOME! aku mencoba untuk membuat channel yang original. suport yaaa Terima kasih sudah mampir :)
Twitter: @kristoimmanuel
Recent Videos from Kristo Immanuel
Klik cc untuk nyalain subtitle ya Goats!
Thank you for all of you who keep supporting me! This web series is written by me, I hope you guys enjoy it! DEALING WITH MYSELF eps. 7: BACK ON TRACK| Web Series
Klik cc untuk nyalain subtitle ya Goats!
Thank you for all of you who keep supporting me! This web series is written by me, I hope you guys enjoy it! DEALING WITH MYSELF eps. 6: FORGIVENESS | Web Series
Klik cc untuk nyalain subtitle ya Goats!
Thank you for all of you who keep supporting me! This web series is written by me, I hope you guys enjoy it!