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About Indian LifeHacker
We are from those people who keep experimenting to find out something new. So, we starts video shooting our all experiment and bring them among people through this channel. You Can give suggestions about what next experiment you want to see. "Indian Life Hacker" is belongs to India but videos are in English to reach worldwide.
Recent Videos from Indian LifeHacker
What is load Cell? How to make Weight Measure Machine with Arduino? Arduino Project
In this video, I will show step by step procedure of making a Weight Measure Machine by using Arduino and Loadcell.
You can use this project in your school or college final year project.
Stuff needed for this Project :
Arduino Uno:… Angle Measure Device based on Arduino and MPU6050 | Arduino Engineering Project | Indian Lifehacker
In this video, I will show step by step procedure of making a angle measuring device which can also be used as spirit level by using Arduino and mpu6050.
You can use this project in your school or college final year project.
Stuff needed for this Project :
Arduino Nano:… How to make Bluetooth controlled car with Mecanum wheel | Indian LifeHacker
In this video, I will show step by step procedure of making a Mecanum wheel car which can be controlled by Bluetooth .
Stuff needed for this Project :
Chassis and Motors:…