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About Brooklinn Khoury
I think the most beautiful thing is sharing our struggles, because the more we share the less alone others feel.
Recent Videos from Brooklinn Khoury
You asked & Chloé answered - Everything about my attack
On November 3rd, of 2020 I was attacked by a pit bull. My girlfriend Chloé has been by my side since the day I was attacked after only knowing me for 5 days. Here are the answers to the questions you asked her. Go hug someone you love today.
Instagram : @brookhoury
Spotify : @brookoury Doctor appointment & next surgery
I hope you know how beautiful life can be even amongst the chaos. You’re so loved remember that always.  You asked & I answered - QUESTIONS about the attack
If you’re seeing this you are so loved, remember to trust the process.
I asked on my Instagram about any questions you had regarding the attack, and here are my answers. Go hug someone you love today.