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50+ Styles and Accessories, 65+ Blended Colors & Useful Tools for Wearing Wigs. Long, Sort, Curly, Lacefronts, Multicolored Wigs! We got them all!
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Twitter:… Christophe Giacometti Undercut Wig Tutorial
Many anime characters sport an undercut, and we've gotten tons of questions on how to make this hairstyle a reality. In this tutorial, you'll see how to splice two wigs together to look just as fabulous as Christophe Giacometti!
F O L L O W * U S
F A C E B O O K :
I N … Tutorial: Ponytail Wig Hack
A fast and easy method to making your wigs ponytail-friendly without the need for additional wefts! Brought to you by our friends at Arda Wigs Canada: