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About Zane Lionhart
my names zane lionhart im a proud member of the lgbtq+ community and i make final fantasy 14 videos. I do crafting gathering gil making and beginners guides and more I post on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesday regularly. my twitter is case u wanna follow me for updates on new videos my official fb page is Email
Recent Videos from Zane Lionhart
Soloing tsukiyomi normal as The Azure dragoon (world first dragoon kill)
level 90 dragoon gear used left side radiant gear and weapon crafted hq classical accessories with radiant ring. all melded with crit direct hit and determination materia. food used pumpkin poretage hq. 60% super echo 50% normal echo.!/tid=CUSA00572_00 New players beginners guide to ffxiv heavensward The anima weapon part 2
requirements for easy method 6000 poetics 80,000 grand company seals and second Lt rank.
items required 10 unidentifiable seeds ores shells and bones. cost 150 poetics each. can also do arr beast tribes once per day if rank is high enough. heavensward beast tribe which takes two days to get 1 item.… ffxiv endwalker How to farm grand company seals with white crafter scrips
best class to do this is alchemist need a level 80 for trained eye.
only gear u need is main hand offhand and two accessories to use trained eye and groundwork at 90 to reduce gear wear and repairs.
craft rareified resui untill u hit 1998 white scrips. exchange them at sundry splendor npc near the…