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About Chelsi Bedell
Hiii! I’m Chelsi. Thanks for stopping by my channel! If your curious as to what all the talk is about here.. we are watching for the rapture of the church! The fuel that lights my fire is a dream the Lord gave me 21 years ago, when I was just 10. He showed me the rapture of the church before I ever even knew what the rapture was. We were caught up in the air.. we got to a half way, mid way point.. and then he let us back down. He said that was a sign it’s almost time to go home. I truly believe Jesus is coming for us any moment. He says we are children of the light and would see that day approaching. We are living in unprecedented times and can see we are RIGHT THERE!! If you would like to become apart of this beautiful channel family, we welcome you with open arms!! It is my hope and prayer that this can be a place that you can come to be encouraged and uplifted in your identity in Christ until we hear the trumpet sound and go home. You’ll never feel alone here 🤍
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