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About Riyogaa
I make videos about anime and put them on Youtube.
Send all love mail, hate mail, and business inquiries to:
Recent Videos from Riyogaa
Why Bloom Into You is Currently the Best Romance Manga [In the Form of a Preview and Recommendation]
Merry/Happy Christmahanakwanzika.
Emirichu video:
TheAnimeMan video:
Editing note that was too long to fit in the video: I looked up how to pronounce Emirichu's name so that I wouldn't say it wrong, and the th… Final Thoughts on Just Because (But Mainly the Final Episode)
This is only about a month and a half late.
Normally there's a reason for these kinds of delays, but I've got nothing. This was almost entirely on me. I suck.
Anyways, enjoy this video on a show literally nobody but I watched (though I tried to write it so anyone could watch if they didn't plan o… The Understated Drama of Just Because!
Photography Girl Best Girl
Sorry this is a bit shorter than my usual scripted videos, I'm working on a big one right now and decided to put this out since it's taking a while. You can actually tell I started work on this last week based on the script and everything.
On a related note, since the s…