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Bebe ❤️ The Farmer's Dog
My name is Bebe Rebozo. I'm a Polish Lowland Sheepdog born March 9, 2023 in Ogilvie, Minnesota. Maybe it's because I was born on a sheep farm that I love The Farmer's Dog so much? Or maybe it's just cuz it tastes so good. Either way, I just wanted to share with all my fans that maybe your dog will … My sheepdog Bebe gets dominated by Great Dane Nero. Someone is going to sleep well tonight 🐾 #dogs
None Bebe Daily Treat Tour
Bebe Rebozo is a one-year-old Polish Lowland Sheepdog who lives in NYC's Financial District. She knows who has the goods and makes sure to hit every stop on our morning walk. Unfortunately her human mama has a hard time saying no to pup cups. Don't tell the vet!