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Tefnut Full Auto Showcase テフヌト フルオート
Tefnut is one of the two new bosses released today. It's a relatively easy run as long as you use a typical ougi team as most of the triggers can be disabled by simply doing enough damage/ougi damage.
Have you been farming these new raids? 水着レイ(サマー) プリコネR Summer Rei Showcase Priconne
Summer Rei is here and she looks...damn hot? Both her and Hiyori looks great design wise, I wonder how Yui's uncapped art is going to look like (she's likely the perm of this round right?)
Are you going to roll for her? Cidala Camping Outfit Showcase 歩ける寝袋
The new outfit is here and it's just as adorable as I expected it to be. This event really brought lots of interesting new designs and I'm curious to see what other character (aside from the expected Summer Vajra) is going to come next banner.
I won't roll until the end of august summary gacha, but…