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About Gary1q2
I like to make league videos lol.
MLG wubwubuwbuwzzz 420 nopscope 36T 0 swubwubw pole move ez game
OCE: Gary1q2
Recent Videos from Gary1q2
Snowies 2018 (VLOG) - Amazing roadtrip through the snows + first time snowboarding!
Vlog documenting me and my friend's amazing roadtrip to Thredbo in 2018!
It was a 5 day roadtrip down to Thredbo and was our first time ever driving in snow which looked AMAZING... but with it came many interesting problems. Issues such as popping a tyre, getting stuck on a snowy mountain at night… Gary's Doordash Adventure on a Motorcycle
Decided to record my first time delivering for doordash on my motorcycle
Tried a more vlog style approach to my recording, but I find that it drags on a bit too much and isn't really my style.
Anyways heres my short little night adventure delivering food for ppl in Sydney :D
This style might be a … dont do fireworks, kids