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Shipyard to Sea - Falkor (too) - Episode 1 - 4K
Get an inside look at the start of Falkor (too)'s conversion into a world-class oceanographic research vessel. Explore the ship as it is being built, including several labs, a huge aft deck, and other spaces. This major refit will result in an extraordinary research platform. Keep On Venting - Ep. 3 - There's a Whole Ecosystem?
"Hydrothermal vents and the dynamic ecosystems that live amid the darkness are vital to our beautiful planet and its cycles."
Explore geochemical and microbiological interactions, including chemosynthesis and symbiosis in final piece of this series.
Come aboard Research Vessel Falkor and let SOI's… Keep On Venting - Ep. 2 - What is Chemosynthesis?
Hydrothermal vents are some of the most biologically active areas in the deep sea.
How can creatures not only survive, but *thrive* in areas with harsh chemicals, huge temperature differences, and crushing pressure?
Come aboard Research Vessel Falkor and let SOI's Science Communication i…