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About Mon0
A researcher in statistical methodology talks about stuff he finds interesting regarding politics, debates, and morality.
Recent Videos from Mon0
The biggest problem no one is talking about.
Today we look at a paper entitled "The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States", it's the most cited paper since 2010 in the annual volumes of political science. Its abstract reads as follows:
While previously polarization was primarily seen only in issue-based term… Full chat with @SecretScholars about trans issues, totalitarianism ensues.
Organized a conversation with a teacher who went viral for defending JK Rowling by questioning a student who was wondering if she was transphobic. Seemed to me like an opportunity to learn something and express my doubts regarding a domain I only have cursory knowledge about.
I thought we had a ver… When you can't stop voting populists with strange haircuts.
In this video, we give a brief overview of how the mass media may have contributed to the sharp rise of populism we have seen in recent years. To understand the complex interaction between the media and democracy we will glimpse at their historical co-evolution, from the end of WW2 onwards.