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After Hours but it's just my voice
The After Hours DELUXE Album by The Weeknd but it's just my voice
All vocals, instruments, drums, and sounds effects were completely recreated with my voice. Includes vocal effects. (pitching up/down, EQing, distortion, reverb) There is not a single sound in this video that did NOT come from my th… Save Your Tears by The Weeknd but it's just my voice
AFTER HOURS (Deluxe) but it's just my voice
12 PM EST February 26th, 2022
All vocals, instruments, drums, and sounds effects were completely recreated with my voice. Includes vocal effects. (pitching up/down, EQing, distortion, reverb) There i… Dawn FM but it's just my voice
The Dawn FM Album by The Weeknd but it's just my voice
All vocals, instruments, drums, and sounds effects were completely recreated with my voice. Includes vocal effects. (pitching up/down, EQing, distortion, reverb) There is not a single sound in this video that did NOT come from my throat.