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About Kurkarl
Hello! Welcome to my channel! Here I talk about things that interest me and make video essays about them, so stick around if that interests you :]
she/her Profile picture and watermark created by d1sk0tek on Discord
Recent Videos from Kurkarl
Dream SMP World TOUR (hosted by Kurkarl)
Shoutout to for the coordinates!
Quick, pretty relaxed video of me touring the dsmp world. Don't expect anything crazy, just thinking about the dsmp :). Thanks again for all your support on the last video! Explaining the Dream SMP lore so you don't have to watch it
This video has been a long time coming :) Thanks for listening to me talk about the dsmp for four hours. (Also face reveal I suppose. If you recognize me keep it quiet 😆)
Thanks to:
Spiccytoast on Twitter for drawing some designs for this vid!
Sad-ist for drawing some of the depictions of characte… Narcissus, Bojack Horseman, and The Great Gatsby
i think bojack horseman is a good show
The show seen in this video is Bojack Horseman. Additional clips used from The Great Gatsby (2013).
Music (in order):
Children of the Ruins - OneShot OST
End - Ace Attorney OST
Quiet and Falling - Celeste OST
Mae’s House II - Night in the Wo…