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About sigbog
I help you get better at Rust.
Recent Videos from sigbog
Use a SECRET INVENTORY to Carry More in Rust!
Quickly and effectively looting is key to surviving in Rust. Spending too long and overstaying a fight can lead to losing it all. With this bind to enter into your F1 console, you can carry way more loot, do it faster, and stress out way less when trying to prioritize. It covers a bunch of resource… Guns, Jackhammers, & Teas from 1 Unmarked Monument NPC in Rust!? #rust #rustshorts #rusttips
The waterwell NPC sells a rotating set of items for scrap, including high value items like semi pistols, double barrel shotguns, or revolvers. You can also pick up jackhammers, chainsaws, and even teas! If you don't see what you want, you'll have to return in an hour or 2 for the shop to refresh.
▬… Does the High Cal Revolver Beat Python in Auto Turrets in Rust? #rust #rustshorts #rusttips
Sadly shorts links are unclickable :( But check out that awesome auto turret!
For your base auto turrets, the high caliber revolver is crazy high damage, but its lower firing rate doesn't make it a knock out winner against the python or other weapons. Realistica…